Russian court grants unspecified 'interim measures' as Baltika sues Carlsberg
MOSCOW A court in St Petersburg has imposed unspecified "interim measures" against Carlsberg in favour of Baltika Breweries,
2023-10-20 22:50

Moscow tells officials to buy Russian Ladas, Chinese cars
Russia's government on Friday published a list of domestically-produced cars that state officials should buy, all either Russian
2023-10-20 19:46

Russian e-commerce firm Ozon notifies Nasdaq of delisting intention
MOSCOW (Reuters) -Russian e-commerce firm Ozon said on Friday it had notified Nasdaq of its intention to delist its American
2023-10-20 17:15

Biden Casts Russia, Hamas as Parallel Threats to Democracy
President Joe Biden directly appealed to the American people to support funding for Israel and Ukraine’s war efforts,
2023-10-20 09:45

US Nuclear Test Raises Concerns of New Arms Race With Russia
The US conducted a high-explosive experiment at a nuclear test site in Nevada just hours after Russia revoked
2023-10-20 05:53

Climate Science in Arctic ‘Broken’ as US and Europe Isolate Russia
Irina Panyushkina is a dendrochronologist — a scientist who studies tree-ring dating to understand past environmental conditions —
2023-10-19 16:51

From Russia to the Middle East: Why China can't afford another big conflict
Beijing is once again trying to have it both ways.
2023-10-19 15:25

Xi Backs Putin on Security, Wants Progress on Gas Pipeline
President Xi Jinping reiterated that China supports Moscow’s efforts in safeguarding its national sovereignty, security and development interests,
2023-10-19 09:58

Google's Russian subsidiary recognised as bankrupt by court - RIA
MOSCOW (Reuters) -Google's Russian subsidiary has been recognised as bankrupt by a Moscow court, the RIA news agency reported on
2023-10-18 21:59

Xi Defends Belt and Road as Chinese Initiative Loses Steam
Chinese President Xi Jinping defended his flagship Belt and Road Initiative, casting the $1 trillion program as a
2023-10-18 12:19

Putin Arrives in China to Meet Xi on Rare International Trip
President Vladimir Putin has arrived in Beijing, according to Chinese state media, a rare trip abroad for the
2023-10-17 10:28

Switzerland Refuses to Take Sides in Ever More Divided World
Switzerland’s biggest political party wants to double down on neutrality, just as conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle
2023-10-14 16:26