SQM Sees Lithium Glut Pushing Down Prices Through Year End
The world’s second-largest lithium producer is warning investors of further price declines as a glut of the metal
2023-11-17 00:46

Billionaire Lithium Crashers Hamper Australian Deals, Miners Say
Australia’s richest woman and other billionaire entrepreneurs wading into takeover offers threaten to cool enthusiasm over the country’s
2023-11-15 13:58

Billionaire Rinehart Muscles Into Another Lithium Takeover
Australia’s richest woman may be set to scupper a second lithium takeover in a matter of weeks, building
2023-10-27 17:52

Lithium Rush Heats Up With SQM’s $1 Billion Azure Buy
Lithium mining giant SQM has won over Perth-based Azure Minerals Ltd. with a sweetened A$1.6 billion ($1 billion)
2023-10-27 10:49

Lithium Heavyweight Chile Woos Japan to Develop Local Industry
Chile, home to the world’s largest lithium reserves, says Japanese battery and metals companies are among Asian investors
2023-10-12 10:52

Boric’s Lithium Strategy Will Hinder Chile’s Growth, Conservative Rival Kast Says
The founder of Chile’s surging right-wing party bashed President Gabriel Boric’s plan for government control of lithium production,
2023-06-22 06:54