Once Shunned Loans Are Now a Market Darling: Credit Weekly
Fixed-income investors that are “risk on” are benefiting from the global economy’s ongoing resilience, fueling appetite for leveraged
2023-09-17 03:56

Chinese Developer Sino-Ocean Suspends Offshore Debt Payments
Chinese state-linked developer Sino-Ocean Group Holding Ltd. has suspended payment on all its offshore borrowings, citing tight liquidity,
2023-09-15 16:52

New Rising Stars Are Powering Gulf’s $50 Billion Spending Spree
Oil-rich Gulf monarchies are channeling more international deals via state-backed firms instead of the region’s sovereign wealth funds,
2023-09-01 13:56

Factbox-Highlights of Fed Chair Powell's Jackson Hole speech
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell on Friday said the central bank may need to lift interest rates further
2023-08-26 01:46

China’s Murky Debt Corner Faces Funding Squeeze
The $9 trillion of Chinese local government bonds that helped drag the rest of the world out of
2023-07-16 04:27

Lazard Dismissed Snellenbarger for Alleged Misconduct at Party
Reid Snellenbarger, Lazard Ltd.’s co-head of restructuring in North America, was fired just months after he joined the
2023-07-07 08:27

Lagarde comments at ECB press conference
FRANKFURT, June 15 The European Central Bank raised its key interest by 25 basis points on Thursday to
2023-06-15 21:57

Byju’s Lenders Huddle With Advisers After Missed Loan Interest
Holders of Byju’s $1.2 billion term loan and their advisers are weighing options including negotiating with the company
2023-06-08 11:28

Top Indian Startup Byju’s Faces Deadline for $40 Million Payment
Byju’s, India’s most valuable startup, plans to make a quarterly interest payment of about $40 million on a
2023-06-05 10:17

Mizuho to Buy Investment Bank Greenhill in $550 Million Deal
Mizuho Financial Group Inc. is forging further into US investment banking through a deal to buy Greenhill &
2023-05-22 21:27

China Builder Fantasia Faces Key Shareholder Revolt on Debt Plan
A Chinese property developer whose default in 2021 has since fed into a broader industry rout is facing
2023-05-12 10:46